Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT), the method devised by Dolores Cannon, achieves Theta level awareness of consciousness.
In this state clients are facilitated in connecting to their Higher selves or Oversoul,
experiencing the most appropriate past, present or future lifetime that relates to their current situation,
and obtaining answers relevant to their present issues or queries.
Clients may find a QHHT session useful for a variety of reasons:
- Past life regression
- Quitting bad habits
- Investigating strange dreams or events
- Discover their life path
- Weight loss
- Origin of phobias, allergies, health, ...
- Past life relationships
- Resolving trauma
- Answers to life questions
QHHT sessions are performed in-person (Between 4-6 hours)
(Starting Spring 2022)
Akashic record reading & clearing. Discover your soul origins and realign with your Divine soul blueprint
Soul Realignment sessions are performed online
(1hr summary via email, phone or Zoom call)
Obtain insight into your life on a variety of levels, aligning with your individual needs.
Multiple spreads, Tarot decks and Oracle cards are selected and tailored according to your situation and type of query.
Sample popular Tarot spreads include:
Celtic Cross; Career Path; Past, Present & Future; Clarity, Connection; Finding Love; Tree of Life; Energetic Space;
Spiritual Guidance; Soul Contract; Karmic; Past Life; Reincarnation; Year Ahead
Tarot readings can be performed either online or in-person
Connecting to your spirit guides or higher self for answers and guidance.
Also used for communicating with departed loved ones, as well as pets (past and/or present)
Pendulum sessions can be performed either online or in-person
(30 minute summary via email, phone or Zoom call)
Energetic reset & clearing of land and buildings, houses, apartments, offices and/or work spaces
Property Realignment is an online service only
(15 minute summary via email, phone or Zoom call)